Outdoor Play and Learning

OPAL - Outdoor Play and Learning

Research has shown that children spend an enormous 20% of their time in school outside for playtime. At Outwoods Edge, we want to ensure that this time is used to its full potential. We are very lucky to have fantastic school grounds which we want the children to be able to fully enjoy in as much of the British weather as possible! In 2021, we embarked upon a journey to develop our playtimes with OPAL, which stands for Outdoor Play and Learning. We are still early in our development, but we have already made great strides into making our play times even better! 

Here at Outwoods Edge, we value play and all that it can bring to a child's development. We believe that play can develop many of the character strengths we teach and value through our curriculum - the Outwoods Way.

 What does OPAL mean for us?

Play Leaders

We have a team of Play Leaders, made up of adults and children, who support children to develop their play. 

With the support of our OPAL mentor, we have developed our Play Policy. 

For more information, visit https://outdoorplayandlearning.org.uk/ 

Policy and further information

With the support of our OPAL mentor, we have developed our Play Policy - see below. 

For more information, have a look through our parent guide, or visit https://outdoorplayandlearning.org.uk/ 

Play policy.pdf
Power of playtime-Parents-Guide-web.pdf