Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Outwoods Edge Primary School, we strive to ensure that every classroom is a fully inclusive environment.  We adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all children to ensure that they make the best possible progress. Termly reviews are held with parents of children on the Special Educational Needs register with both their class teacher and the SENDCo.  In partnership with the children and their families, annual pupil passports are produced to highlight the strengths and needs of each child; in addition to this, small steps targets are set and reviewed regularly.  We have an extensive range of interventions and strategies that are used to support learning, in conjunction with physical resources where necessary.  

Mrs Hall, our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo), oversees the provision for SEN children at Outwoods Edge. She supports teaching staff and liaises with outside agencies to ensure the best provision for our SEN pupils. She is happy to discuss any concerns you have about your child's learning - please contact her through the school office. 

Policies and information

SEND Policy
SEND Policy.pdf
Accessibility Plan
Accessibility plan 2021.pdf
SEND Information Report 2024-25
Outwoods SEND information report_24_25.pdf
Admission arrangements 
Admission Arrangements for children with Special Needs.pdf