As an academy, Outwoods Edge is both a charity and a limited company. There is a board of governors who are responsible for ensuring the school is successful. They are also the Board of Trustees in charity law and the Board of Directors in company law.
All members of the board serve for four years, except the Headteacher and Deputy Head, who are appointed ex officio.
The board is currently composed as follows:
The following members of the Board ceased serving in the last academic year:
Contacting the Governing Body
The Chair of Governors, Mrs Emma Moore, can be contacted directly by emailing
Information about the Governing Body
The full Board of Governors meets four times a year. This is supplemented by the work of committees. The current committee structure can be found opposite:
As trustees of a charity, all trustees have to declare their business interests. The current list can be found here, also the attendance of each governor at meetings:
The scheme of delegation controls which decisions are made by the head, each committee and the full governing body.
The current one can be found here: