Outcomes at the end of Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 SATs
Children take national tests at the end of Year 6 in reading, mathematics and spelling grammar and punctuation. They are also assessed for their writing skills. Children are assessed as working at the ‘expected standard’ (EXS) if they are performing in line with national expectations. If they score particularly well, they may be judged as working at a ‘greater depth’ (GDS). A child can also be judged as ‘working towards’ the expected level. The school’s results are shown in the table.
The percentages show the number of children achieving the expected standard (or above) in all three subjects, reading, writing, maths separately and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS). The table also shows the percentage of pupils achieving a Greater Depth in these subjects.
The average progress score shows the progress that children have made between KS1 and KS2.
The average scaled score shows the average mark across all children who sat the test at Outwoods Edge.
There are no results for Summer 2020 or Summer 2021 as there have been no statutory tests.