Online Safety
Free resources to help you to talk to your child about online safety. These include activities, conversation starters and information to help you to talk to your children about how to navigate the issue of online identity in a digital age in a safe, responsible and respectful way.
New guidance sheets for parents and carers for some common apps and devices:
Screen Time
Think Then Click
We only use the internet when an adult is with us.
We can click on the buttons or links when we know what they do.
We can search the internet with an adult.
We always ask if we get lost on the internet.
We can send and open emails together.
keep my username and password private and not to use anyone else’s
keep all personal information private
block unknown links and attachments by not opening anything that I do not trust
report any messages or internet pages that are unsuitable or upsetting
tell someone I trust if someone asks to meet me offline
Guidance for Parents and Carers
Managing Screen Time
As screens become a bigger part of young children’s lives at home and at school, it’s important to put balance and purpose behind screen time to help them develop key skills and benefit from their screen use.
EYFS Age 0-5
KS1 Age 5-7
KS2 Age 7-11
KS3 Age 11-14